hay guys! well as some of you might know Skype has crashed and well, it’s been like 3 days and they haven’t fixed it yet. Does anybody know what is wrong with it? also it’s only on PC no Mac and Microsoft just bought it.


Posted: April 6, 2011 in Uncategorized

hay guys what did u do over your spring break? put it in the comment section below.

Over spring break i went on a service trip it was epic. we went to Thailand/ Cambodia and helped the little kids it was pretty sweet.

more awesome funny pics

Posted: March 27, 2011 in Uncategorized

these pictures are not mine in anyway.





thats just a few ill show more in some later post

Say what you think are the best links on the web in the comment section below.


these photos are not mine in anyway.

Now that school is starting back what do you  guys think of school? is it a time to learn? a time to meet new people? a time to hang with old friends? is it all about sports?

also whats your favorite subject? mines History and free with my friends!  the most hated subject of mine is Chem dang its hard!

Put what you have to say in the comment section bellow.


So you may have seen this already but the guy shoots and makes it, only after the ball sits on the rim for almost a second. Thats amazing. here’s the link to a youtube video of it.


Kamil Gawrzydek is a beast for making this, i don’t know how he could do this is crazy; however, he probably did not mean to do it.

On NFL news  Dave Tollefson  of the New York Giants hurt his knee and is taken to the locker room. Inside the locker room is his MOM telling him that he needs to suck it up and keep playing. here’s the article  on yahoo.


Truly amazing that his mom would do that but i got to give her props for doing it. Say what you think in the comment section bellow.

People around the world have been experiencing trouble with Skype these past days, “Skype chief executive Tony Bates said in a blog post and video that at 1700 GMT, some 16.5 million people were online on Skype around the world, about 80 percent of normal traffic.” That’s crazy low. Honestly they really need to update there system. They say that they are, and that they got it back up and running but who knows. here’s the webpage were i got this info

also here’s a list of 2010 tops PC games.


here’s the list

5. Sid Meier’s Civilization V
4. Call of Duty: Black Ops
3. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
2. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
1. Mass Effect 2

i personally don’t think that WOW should of gotten on this list but whatever. also i think that battlefield band company 2 should of made it on. write what you think in the comment section below.

Funny Sports Moment

these pictures are not mine.